miércoles, 27 de abril de 2011

Para Todos Todo! :D

Para Todos Todo”, is the name of cultural activity that perfectly describes the experience I had on that day, definitely unforgettable. This event was in the Parque La bandera of Santiago de Chile in october 31th, 2010.

The event was organized by Sandino Rockers. Sandino meeting organizations cultural, and big band music of the national scene. Some of the band playing on that day, Sandino Rockers, La Floripondio, Juana Fe, Escaso Aporte, Subverso, Evelyn Cornejo, Pukutriñuke (is the band where my cousins ​​and I played). On that day, there were also activities such as street theater, fairs and forums related to issues of the popular world.

When it was our turn to go on stage, everyone felt many different things, anxiety, nervousness. The band had already played against many people (more than 3,000 people!!.) For me it was the third performance with the band, I had little more than a month. But the energy on the stage was awesome Once done, I felt happy and enjoy jumping and dancing with the other bands played so good!!

martes, 19 de abril de 2011

Clotario Blest Riffo

Chilean union leader was a founder of the Central Unica de Trabajadores (CUT) and the Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria (MIR) among other.

Clotario social work in Chile development in the twentieth century are:

In 1931 founded the Liga Social de Chile.. In spite of the prohibition to form unions, seeking ways and through the creation of sports and cultural clubs, in 1938 founded ADIP (Public Institutions Sports Association) in 1938.

In 1943 creates the ANEF (Agrupación Nacional de Empleados Fiscales), who also chairs. Institution in defense of the rights of workers, improving poor working conditions. The ANEF was the prelude to the CUT (Central Unica de Trabajadores) founded in1953. The CUT is the largest institution of workers in Chile and work towards the interests of workers at the expense of politicians and private interest.

In 1965, along with other union leaders, founded the Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria (MIR)

Don Clotario Blest is my character admired by the consequences of his actions during his lifetime. Always endangering their own physical integrity in the just defense of the working class. Being the character who also laid the foundation of the Chilean labor movement

martes, 5 de abril de 2011

Why I did not go to the "Fiesta Mechona"?

I remember that day  I wanted to go to the party, but evaluated the situation and I prefered did not go.
I had several reasons. Before the party I was in Ñuñoa I played a soccer match and I was very transpirated and had no clean clothes, then to go to the party I should have gone to my home in Maipu and after go to the "Barrio Bellavista". It was already 10 pm amnd I was getting late.
On the other hand  I was tired from the long day and would not have enjoyed it so much without my girlfriend, because my friends would leave me alone. They had been busy with their girlfriends and I just. Also, I do not like to dance.

miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2011

I am Pablitoman

Hello cyber friends,
My name is Pablo Huentecura. I am 19 years old. I live in Maipu and I am studying Public Administration at the University of Chile, I am at the second year of the career.

My hobbies are play in a Mapuche music band called Pukutriñuke (www.myspace.com/pukutrinuke)
You can listen our music, in the band I'm playing since few time ago and play  Mapuche instruments like Trutruka, Pifilka and Trompe, also play melodica and singing backing vocals.

In my freetime, I like playing soccer and going out with my girlfriend so much.
Well this is my life, I hope you have fun or have not been bored that want to write to you.
Bye :P